Digital Transformation: Platform Strategies For Success

Develop the skills for launching & monetizing a digital platform for your business.

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Course Dates


December 5, 2024

Course Duration


2 months, online
2-4 hours per week

Course Fee



Course Information Flexible payment available
Course Fee

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Emeritus is collaborating with MIT Sloan Executive Education to help you build future-ready skills. Enroll before and get up to 11% tuition assistance to set yourself up for professional success.​

Application Details

Tuition assistance is live as per below schedule. The full program fee is $1700 as of the start date.

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In Collaboration With MIT Sloan | Online Certificate Program

Why Enroll For The Digital Transformation Course?

Digital Transformation: Platform Strategies for Success is a 2-month course that introduces participants to the many ways networked markets are transforming the economy and provides strategies for designing, monetizing, and launching a digital platform.

In this course you will learn about the fundamentals of digital transformation, identify why platforms beat products, and how can you make your business a platform. You will learn how to launch and grow a digital platform and identify how to leverage open innovation for your platform. This course also equips you with the knowledge on governing your platform, strategically evaluating your competition, and provides you with a futuristic view of digital transformation across industries.


of execs lack personnel with skills to bring a digital transformation


$53.3 trillion

the expected contribution of digitally transformed organizations to global GDP in 2023



regard digital transformation as important for their business strategy


Who Is This Course For?

This online course is ideal for managers and leaders who wish to use their knowledge of digital to advance their careers. The Digital Transformation course will teach you how to take advantage of the digital transformation to build more effective solutions for your business. Get a competitive edge by building platform solutions around digital platforms for your clients.

Participants by job function include:

  • CXOs
  • General Managers
  • Product Managers
  • Mid to senior level Managers
  • Directors
  • Project Managers
  • Marketing Managers
  • Consultants
  • Digital Marketing Managers
  • Program Managers

Program Experience

Decorative image relating to 80 Interactive Lectures

80 Interactive Lectures

Decorative image relating to 8 Discussions

8 Discussions

Decorative image relating to 6 Assignments

6 Assignments

Decorative image relating to 5 Case Studies

5 Case Studies

Decorative image relating to 4 Webinars

4 Webinars

Decorative image relating to 1 Textbook (Optional)

1 Textbook (Optional)

Program Topics

Module 1:

Digital Transformation: From Products to Platforms; Network Effects

As you build your knowledge of digital platforms, you will explore network effects on a company’s value and predict how a platform shift could impact your company.

Module 2:

Digital Transformation Concepts: Markets, Environment, and Structure

Evaluate platform market outcomes by analyzing principles of multihoming and switching costs; and compare network effects vs. traditional linear value chains.

Module 3:

Designing Your Digital Business Model for Success

Create and optimize a platform using the three principles of platform design; identify how architecture design can increase network effects; and learn to monetize a platform.

Module 4:

Launching and Growing a Digital Platform

Compare various strategies to launch a platform and gain traction; learn how to leverage modularity and APIs to grow a platform; analyze why two digital platforms failed to thrive.

Module 5:

Leveraging Open Innovation

Analyze the impact of open innovation on your platform by studying open source strategies and ascertain the level of openness for optimized value capture.

Module 6:

Governing Your Digital Platform

Learn how to govern effectively to succeed. How to use the right rules and tools to avoid or correct negative externalities or information asymmetries.

Module 7:

Strategy and Competition in the Digital Age

Apply platform strategies to create network effects and gain a sustainable competitive advantage; learn why platform strategy differs from traditional pipeline business and the Porter’s Five Forces Model, and discover how that affects M&A decisions and activity.

Module 8:

Digital Transformation Across Industries: A Futuristic View

Gain insights into the opportunities and challenges in adopting platform strategies in different industries and predict which industries will experience future disruption.

Module 1:

Digital Transformation: From Products to Platforms; Network Effects

As you build your knowledge of digital platforms, you will explore network effects on a company’s value and predict how a platform shift could impact your company.

Module 5:

Leveraging Open Innovation

Analyze the impact of open innovation on your platform by studying open source strategies and ascertain the level of openness for optimized value capture.

Module 2:

Digital Transformation Concepts: Markets, Environment, and Structure

Evaluate platform market outcomes by analyzing principles of multihoming and switching costs; and compare network effects vs. traditional linear value chains.

Module 6:

Governing Your Digital Platform

Learn how to govern effectively to succeed. How to use the right rules and tools to avoid or correct negative externalities or information asymmetries.

Module 3:

Designing Your Digital Business Model for Success

Create and optimize a platform using the three principles of platform design; identify how architecture design can increase network effects; and learn to monetize a platform.

Module 7:

Strategy and Competition in the Digital Age

Apply platform strategies to create network effects and gain a sustainable competitive advantage; learn why platform strategy differs from traditional pipeline business and the Porter’s Five Forces Model, and discover how that affects M&A decisions and activity.

Module 4:

Launching and Growing a Digital Platform

Compare various strategies to launch a platform and gain traction; learn how to leverage modularity and APIs to grow a platform; analyze why two digital platforms failed to thrive.

Module 8:

Digital Transformation Across Industries: A Futuristic View

Gain insights into the opportunities and challenges in adopting platform strategies in different industries and predict which industries will experience future disruption.

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Case Studies

Image displaying 3D printer to portray the company Makerbot


How leveraging an open innovation strategy model can drive growth.

Image displaying a man in blazer to portray the company SAP


The challenges and potential rewards of governing your digital platform.

Image displaying a toy heart in hand to portray the company Google Health

Google Health

The launch strategy for Google’s personal health record service—and why it failed.

Image displaying a a doctor to portray the company Microsoft Health Vault

Microsoft Health Vault

Investigate the missteps of the software giant’s health repository launch.

Participant Speak

Héctor Iván Lira Hevia

"The course and collaboration with peers clearly showed how different ideas around one topic can create value for everyone. This was a unique opportunity to learn not just from extraordinary faculty members but from peers all over the world."

— Héctor Iván Lira Hevia, Managing Director, F1rstcomm

Phumlani Zuma

"The best parts of the course were the informative professor videos and the assignment reviews with course leaders. Also the discussions and reflections gave one more insight on how others understood things."

— Phumlani Zuma, Director, Jikele Consulting

Karen Taylor

"Thought provoking and with up-to-date and global cases studies (e.g. Alibaba). Especially good for anyone in a tech-enabled industry, but I'd recommend it for anyone really. Any business can be disrupted by a 'platform' driven competitor and technology convergence means your competitors might not be who you think they are!"

— Karen Taylor, General Manager Asia Pacific, Anaqua

You can see our participants talking about their learning experience on LinkedIn


(These are LinkedIn posts & will require you to log in to LinkedIn to see them)


Faculty Member Geoffrey Parker

Geoffrey Parker

Professor of Engineering, Dartmouth College, Visiting Scholar, MIT Sloan School; Research Fellow, MIT Initiative on the Digital Economy


Example image of certificate that will be awarded after successful completion of this program


Upon successful completion of the program, participants will be awarded a verified digital certificate by Emeritus in collaboration with MIT Sloan.

To learn more about the collaboration between MIT Sloan and Emeritus please click here.

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  • How do I know if this program is right for me?

    After reviewing the information on the program landing page, we recommend you submit the short form above to gain access to the program brochure, which includes more in-depth information. If you still have questions on whether this program is a good fit for you, please email, and a dedicated program advisor will follow-up with you very shortly.

    Are there any prerequisites for this program?

    Some programs do have prerequisites, particularly the more technical ones. This information will be noted on the program landing page, as well as in the program brochure. If you are uncertain about program prerequisites and your capabilities, please email us at the ID mentioned above.

    Note that, unless otherwise stated on the program web page, all programs are taught in English and proficiency in English is required.

    What is the typical class profile?

    More than 50 percent of our participants are from outside the United States. Class profiles vary from one cohort to the next, but, generally, our online certificates draw a highly diverse audience in terms of professional experience, industry, and geography — leading to a very rich peer learning and networking experience.

    What other dates will this program be offered in the future?

    Check back to this program web page or email us to inquire if future program dates or the timeline for future offerings have been confirmed yet.

  • How much time is required each week?

    Each program includes an estimated learner effort per week. This is referenced at the top of the program landing page under the Duration section, as well as in the program brochure, which you can obtain by submitting the short form at the top of this web page.

    How will my time be spent?

    We have designed this program to fit into your current working life as efficiently as possible. Time will be spent among a variety of activities including:

    • Engaging with recorded video lectures from faculty
    • Attending webinars and office hours, as per the specific program schedule
    • Reading or engaging with examples of core topics
    • Completing knowledge checks/quizzes and required activities
    • Engaging in moderated discussion groups with your peers
    • Completing your final project, if required

    The program is designed to be highly interactive while also allowing time for self-reflection and to demonstrate an understanding of the core topics through various active learning exercises. Please email us if you need further clarification on program activities.

    What is it like to learn online with the learning collaborator, Emeritus?

    More than 300,000 learners across 200 countries have chosen to advance their skills with Emeritus and its educational learning partners. In fact, 90 percent of the respondents of a recent survey across all our programs said that their learning outcomes were met or exceeded.

    All the contents of the course would be made available to students at the commencement of the course. However, to ensure the program delivers the desired learning outcomes the students may appoint Emeritus to manage the delivery of the program in a cohort-based manner the cost of which is already included in the overall course fee of the course.

    A dedicated program support team is available 24/5 (Monday to Friday) to answer questions about the learning platform, technical issues, or anything else that may affect your learning experience.

    How do I interact with other program participants?

    Peer learning adds substantially to the overall learning experience and is an important part of the program. You can connect and communicate with other participants through our learning platform.

  • What are the requirements to earn the certificate?

    Each program includes an estimated learner effort per week, so you can gauge what will be required before you enroll. This is referenced at the top of the program landing page under the Duration section, as well as in the program brochure, which you can obtain by submitting the short form at the top of this web page. All programs are designed to fit into your working life.

    This program is scored as a pass or no-pass; participants must complete the required activities to pass and obtain the certificate of completion. Some programs include a final project submission or other assignments to obtain passing status. This information will be noted in the program brochure. Please email us if you need further clarification on any specific program requirements.

    What type of certificate will I receive?

    Upon successful completion of the program, you will receive a smart digital certificate. The smart digital certificate can be shared with friends, family, schools, or potential employers. You can use it on your cover letter, resume, and/or display it on your LinkedIn profile.
    The digital certificate will be sent approximately two weeks after the program, once grading is complete.

    Can I get the hard copy of the certificate?

    No, only verified digital certificates will be issued upon successful completion. This allows you to share your credentials on social platforms such as LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter.

    Do I receive alumni status after completing this program?

    No, there is no alumni status granted for this program. In some cases, there are credits that count toward a higher level of certification. This information will be clearly noted in the program brochure.

    How long will I have access to the learning materials?

    You will have access to the online learning platform and all the videos and program materials for 12 months following the program start date. Access to the learning platform is restricted to registered participants per the terms of agreement.

  • What equipment or technical requirements are there for this program?

    Participants will need the latest version of their preferred browser to access the learning platform. In addition, Microsoft Office and a PDF viewer are required to access documents, spreadsheets, presentations, PDF files, and transcripts.

    Do I need to be online to access the program content?

    Yes, the learning platform is accessed via the internet, and video content is not available for download. However, you can download files of video transcripts, assignment templates, readings, etc. For maximum flexibility, you can access program content from a desktop, laptop, tablet, or mobile device.

    Video lectures must be streamed via the internet, and any livestream webinars and office hours will require an internet connection. However, these sessions are always recorded, so you may view them later.

  • Can I still register if the registration deadline has passed?

    Yes, you can register up until seven days past the published start date of the program without missing any of the core program material or learnings.

    What is the program fee, and what forms of payment do you accept?

    The program fee is noted at the top of this program web page and usually referenced in the program brochure as well.

    • Flexible payment options are available (see details below as well as at the top of this program web page next to FEE).
    • Tuition assistance is available for participants who qualify. Please email

    What if I don’t have a credit card? Is there another method of payment accepted?

    Yes, you can do the bank remittance in the program currency via wire transfer or debit card. Please contact your program advisor, or email us for details.

    I was not able to use the discount code provided. Can you help?

    Yes! Please email us with the details of the program you are interested in, and we will assist you.

    How can I obtain an invoice for payment?

    Please email us your invoicing requirements and the specific program you’re interested in enrolling in.

    Is there an option to make flexible payments for this program?

    Yes, the flexible payment option allows a participant to pay the program fee in installments. This option is made available on the payment page and should be selected before submitting the payment.

    How can I obtain a W9 form?

    Please connect with us via email for assistance.

    Who will be collecting the payment for the program?

    Emeritus collects all program payments, provides learner enrollment and program support, and manages learning platform services.

    Are there any restrictions on the types of funding that can be used to pay for the program?

    Program fees for Emeritus programs with MIT Sloan Executive Education may not be paid for with (a) funds from the GI Bill, the Post-9/11 Educational Assistance Act of 2008, or similar types of military education funding benefits or (b) Title IV financial aid funds.

  • What is the program refund and deferral policy?

    For the program refund and deferral policy, please click the link here.

Didn't find what you were looking for? Write to us at or Schedule a call with one of our Program Advisors or call us at +44 150 730 4811 (UK) / +1 401 264 8575 (US) / +65 3138 5193 (SG)

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Early registrations are encouraged. Seats fill up quickly!

Flexible payment options available. Learn more.